
The winners of the Global Refugee Crisis Hacktivision developed an open-sourced service that enables refugees to access important information via SMS. This format is more reliable and timely than current methods of information dissemination utilized in refugee camps.  In a time where telecoms are supporting access to information via SMS in refugee camps, this solution provides a free option for aid workers to deliver information across large camps.

View their Github repo.

Hacktivision: The Global Refugee Crisis

Hacktivision is committed to producing an ongoing series of Hacktivisions tasked with producing technical aid solutions for the global refugee crisis. These solutions are open-sourced and produced through active collaboration with technical innovators, industry experts, and refugees. Why? Because we all have a stake in finding solutions. 

Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor crowdsources safe spaces for those found in crisis due to domestic abuse. Most women's shelters are unable to accommodate the number of requests they receive for safe harbor from abusive situations. Safe Harbor aims to accommodate all requests by vetting and crowdsourcing safe spaces from the community that shelters can refer overflow to easily.